Alex's favorite toy is definitely the Rainforest Jumperoo. It is very cool!! He gets in there and is able to get out all kinds of energy jumping up and down over and over!! It provides him with at least 10-15 minutes of solid entertainment with lots of smiling and laughing. This is wonderful for mommy because she can then have 10 minutes to eat a meal, fold laundry, etc! I really don't know how people raised children before Fisher Price started making all these great toys. They are a definite lifesaver!!
Don't you just love those chubby thighs???
Here's another picture of Alex enjoying the play gym and catching up on a little current affairs with his buddy Barack (who shares the same birthday with him!).
Just because it's so cute... here's another one of him in the Bumbo helping Mommy make chocolate chip cookies to send Daddy in his care package.
If he just had some teeth, I bet he could take down a few of those cookies...