Sorry I haven't posted anything in a week. Grandma Gale was here visiting last week, so we were busy doing things with her! (More pictures from her visit later this week...)
Alex is busy becoming much more social and fighting sleep as much as possible! One of my books says these two things go hand in hand. At around 6 weeks (tomorrow for Alex), they start to realize there is a world around them and apparently they start wanting to live instead of sleep! This is definitely the case for Alex. He just doesn't want to sleep at all during the day, so he ends up pretty fussy later in the day. I think the only saving grace to this for moms is that he is also starting to look up at me with these huge grins. It makes me so happy that I forget how fussy he has been!!
I took him to a Nursing Mom's Group/Play Group that the hospital runs last Thursday. There were lots of little ones from newborns up to 12 months plus a few older siblings. Alex was so interested in looking around at all the other babies. It was precious!! It made me realize how much I need to get him out and around other babies to help him socialize even at this young age. (FYI--They had a scale at the group and we got to weigh him--he's already 11 pounds!! The breastmilk is definitely working!!)
The big guy is also starting to realize he has hands and that he can grab at things. Last week, he was in his bouncer and he got very intent on one of the toys (of course it was the monkey). He kept staring at it and a few minutes later, he swiped at it and got it! I was so excited that I screamed (a la DeeAnn) and actually kind of scared him...oops! :) He also started to really like his little Rainforest Gym. He loves laying there and looking up at the toys. He smiles and coos lots while he's laying there. One of the toys plays music and Jeremiah and I swear that he looks like he is dancing when the music plays. He starts moving his arms and legs like he's jamming to the music. So cute!!
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