Alex turned 5 months old last Monday. I have been trying all week to add a little bit about what he is up to now and I finally have some free time!
Overall, Alex is becoming much more fun! He smiles all the time and laughs a lot more now. He's still a bit fussy, but it's getting to be less than in the past.
His biggest milestone is that he is now sitting all by himself. He has been getting better at it over the last month, but the day after Christmas was the first time it seemed to really "click". Now, he can sit and play with his toys. It only lasts a little while though before he rolls himself over to be on his tummy.
It is a lot of fun to watch him because he wants to crawl so bad!! He is doing really good push ups now and getting much stronger. Just in the last couple of days, he has started being able to lift his bottom up too. He will just have some coordination to work on in order to get it all put together. This morning, he did manage to scoot himself backwards some!
Of course, Alex is still rolling over like a mad-man. He has started liking the exersaucer better than the jumperoo. Apparently, the toys are much more fun on the exersaucer! He loves when Pop comes home from work. Pop tosses him around and makes him laugh lots. He has also recently started to look at the screen when Jeremiah calls on Skype. He's not very interactive with it, but he at least looks the right direction now.
One of his new favorites is the dogs. About a week and a half ago, he was in the Bumbo on the floor when he seemed to really notice Little for the first time. He got so excited, smiling and laughing. He loves to reach out and grab her by the ears. She has been a really good sport about it. They are going to love each other in the months to come...she'll get to eat all the food he throws her and he'll get to torture her!
Alex has FINALLY started taking some good naps in the last couple weeks...knock on wood! I'm so proud of him and I hope it lasts. It keeps him so much happier through the day. He is also sleeping a little better at night...still not through the night or really longer than 4 hours, but atleast better than it was.
He has also started eating some solids, but I'll post more about that another time with some pictures! :)