Saturday, January 30, 2010

The next Bachelor...

Yesterday, we met our friends Esther and Sofia for lunch. This was our first time to see them since we were back from Texas. We had a really great time catching up with them! With the two babies, I think our table had the full attention of all of Panera! :)

It was really fun because Alex and Sofia are so much more interactive now. They sat in their highchairs across the table from each other and talked or screamed at each other, played with each others toys, and smiled at each other!

I am LOVING this picture of the two of them! Apparently, the girls are already chasing after Alex! Alex doesn't seem to be minding it though! :) Sofia is 7 months old here and Alex is almost 6 months old.

On another note, Alex LOVED Sofia's doll. I just had to get a photo of that for Daddy! =)

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