The Sling! His first favorite place to be of course is nursing because he's a little piglet, but if he's not nursing the second best place to be is in the sling. For anyone reading this who is about to have a baby or needs a present for someone about to have a baby, I highly recommend a sling! We have the Balboa Baby Sling from Target. We mainly bought that one because it was adjustable. Daddy wanted to be able to carry him in the sling too and this way it's one size fits all for our two different heights. I think our interest in carrying Alex in the sling came from both of our travels in Sierra Leone. There, all the women tie their babies on their backs with just a simple piece of cloth and off they go to do anything and everything with the babies' heads bobbing along!
It took a little bit of finesse for Alex and I to master using the sling, but once we did it became a quick favorite. It's great for me because Alex wants to be next to me ALL the time, but wearing the sling at least helps me have my hands free to do things around the house. Yesterday, I took my first trip to Target with him. I was planning to take him in the baby carrier and just put that in the shopping cart. However, on the car trip, he started fussing a lot so I changed plans and decided to carry him in the sling instead. Good plan on my part because he snuggled down in there and slept the entire trip through Target. The other great thing about the sling in public places is that the babies are mostly hidden and it's difficult for nosy people to come up and try to touch them with their grimy, germy hands!
And, here's a bonus picture just because Alex is so cute!!
hey he is so cute! When are you coming down here again?
We're coming to TX in mid-November. I actually have a friend getting married in Dalllas on Nov 21, so I'm planning to come there that weekend and I figured I would stay a couple days after or before, so that Alex and I could visit you, your mom, and Devin! :)
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