Yesterday was by far the fussiest day we have had since Alex was born. Nothing could make him happy. The only time he would get remotely happy was if I was carrying him while walking around the house. Who knows why he was so fussy...maybe a growth spurt? maybe gas? But after a good night of sleep, he thankfully woke up in a better mood and is back to being the cutest baby ever. I realize some people might consider me to be a little partial since half of his DNA is my own, but I am still pretty sure he is the cutest thing EVER!
I thought it was time for some cute new photos, so here they are! I'm still working on how to upload videos from our camera, but once I figure that out I'll put up some cute footage of him smiling and cooing!
Here he is in a super cute little onesie that Grandma Gale gave him. It says "I Still Live At Home"...

Look at those long legs...

Here's a close up of his pretty blue eyes...

A cute one of him when we were having play time a couple mornings ago...

Bath Time with Mommy...

Like Father, Like Son...
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