Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Good Weekend!

Alex had an excellent weekend!  The Rogers stopped by for a little while on Saturday afternoon.  To our surprise, Karen was with them too!  It was lots of fun to get to visit with her.  Here's a fun pic of Karen and I with Alex....I love how he's making "goo-goo" eyes at her!

They brought him a super fun birthday present...a new wheel-barrow, just his size!  He's having fun pushing his toys around the house in it.  The only thing more fun than that is if you put him inside it and push him around! :)

Pop also bought a new Tahoe this's very pretty and Aggie maroon...WHOOP!  Alex LOVED exploring it.  This morning, we even played Elmo on the DVD player and he thought it was super fun to watch it inside the car.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Who Me?

Alex loves to sneak into the pantry when someone leaves the door open.  He usually comes out with a thing of puffs or other assorted baby food, but this time he found cookies!  I was busily making him a nutritious lunch when I looked down and saw that he had already found something for lunch himself!  It sure is hard to be mad at him when he's that cute!! :)

Let me open the door for you!

Did they put Benadryl in my lunch or what?!?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Monkey

The little monkey is becoming quite the little climber on the furniture.  As you can tell, he's pretty excited about it!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Who doesn't love a Cupcake?

We have had a pretty lazy day, but late in the afternoon we got ourselves motivated to go to Frost.  It's a little cupcake bakery here in The Woodlands...not quite Crave Cupcakes, but still yummy!!

Alex got to have his own little piece of a cupcake and he sure enjoyed it!

Before Cupcake:

After Cupcake:

After Sugar High Kicked in:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Too Much Rain!

I think we are all a little bored and stir-crazy from this rain...even the Little Man!  This morning, the only thing to entertain him was climbing in and out of this shopping bag.  It really is time for the sun to come back out so we can go out and play again!!