Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Man Time

Over the weekend, Alex helped his Pop and Daddy put out the Christmas lights at Pop and MiMi's house.  I hope he's taking notes because like Clark Griswald says to his father...."You taught me everything I know about exterior illumination!"  You can't start too early, right?

Bringing out some lights....

He for some reason thought the plunger was going to help them get the lights out...

Inspecting the lights....

Taking a little break with Pop to eat some yummy animal crackers DeeDee brought him....

I wish I had a picture of the final product...I'll take one sometime soon!  Hope everyone else is having fun decorating for Christmas!

Gig 'Em!

We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving at my grandmother JoJo's house.  Since the Ags had a big game that night, our family decided to wear our maroon shirts to support them!  It was fun and here are some cute pics of us!

We have also managed to teach Alex to do the yell "AAAAAA".  He gets pretty into it....maybe he'll be a future little yell leader! =)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alex the Builder!

 He can build it!  Yes he can!


One of Alex's new favorites is Pirate's Booty!  Think he'll turn into a pirate??

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The best place to sleep in the house!

Then he woke up and finished off his dinner!