Friday, February 12, 2010

A Day of Firsts!

Today was full of lots of firsts in Alex's little life! The most exciting one was that it snowed and Alex got to go outside to play in it for the first time ever!! This also meant we spent a lot of time stuck in the house today. That's probably the reason for his other firsts....first time to find the dog food/water bowls and first time to open a cabinet! Ahhh!! Life will never be the same again... Alex's crib mattress was lowered yesterday, so last night was also his first night to sleep with it lowered like a big guy!

For those wondering, he just keeps improving on his crawling. He is also trying to pull up on EVERYTHING!! He wants to stand as much as possible...even in the took everything I could do to sit him down long enough to wash him down.

Here are a few cute pics from the day:

"I don't want to wear all these clothes!!!" He threw a very good, feet-kicking, hand-pounding, screaming fit about being put in warm clothes to go outside. (Do you think he got that from me?? I have been told that I could throw a good fit when I was a little girl...)

"Ok, it's not so bad now that we're out here!"

"This is even better though..."

"Who needs all this bed stuff? I'm just going to tear it down instead..."

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