Friday, May 28, 2010

For Auntie Devin...aren't you proud??

As ya'll might have noticed in the photos, Alex finally has teeth!  His top two and bottom two all broke through the gums the day before he turned 9 months old.  The top two are coming in quickly and the bottom two are slowly following.  He has become VERY interested in me brushing my teeth, so I decided to get him some toothpaste and let him start learning to brush his teeth.  It's so cute!

Then when he gets bored of brushing his teeth, he just tosses the toothbrush down...usually in the bathtub!


michelle clark said...

Cute! Nathan loves brushing his teeth. I thought it would be hard to get the brush in his mouth, but he just loves munching on it. I usually have to distract him with something when I am ready to pull the brush out of his mouth to prevent whining.

The Wagstaffs said...

That's so funny! I would have thought brushing teeth would be torture...I guess it's new and fun for now and eventually they'll think it's torture! :)