Friday, January 14, 2011


Monday morning, we woke up to about an inch of good snow on the ground.  It was a fun day even though it was freezing cold!  Jeremiah got to stay home and we all got to hang out!

Alex wasn't real sure what to think of the snow.  When we first went outside, he refused to wear his mittens.  Then he bent down and picked up some snow.  He quickly regretted that and then let us put his mittens on.  He didn't seem all the interested until Daddy started helping him throw snowballs at me.  Then it got REAL fun, REAL fast!  ALL BOY!

MiMi had ordered Alex this cute little fireman coat and boots.  It happened to arrive that day and it was perfect for the weather!  Isn't he so cute in it?  He had to inspect his car.  It was covered in ice and snow so he realized he shouldn't sit down in it.  He did very importantly check to make sure the horn would still "beep, beep" and it did!

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