Monday, February 14, 2011

Pants Optional

Alex and I flew to Houston for the weekend.  I was really dreading flying with him because the last couple of times he has not been very well behaved.  He proved me wrong this time and was amazingly good!  I had a lot of activities for him....a new book, new stickers and colors, some M&Ms, and of course the iPad!  The distractions worked like a charm and we made it there and back without any major meltdowns.

Besides him acting great, we did run into one little problem.  I am always overly prepared for situations (Girl Scout Motto:  Be Prepared!), but somehow I did not end up with an extra pair of clothes for him in my carry-on.  Of course, that means this was the time that he chose to pee out his diaper!  Ugh!  When we got to the gate to wait for our flight, I let him out of the stroller and realized he was soaking wet.  I had to take off the wet pants, so he ended up running around with nothing but a diaper for the rest of the flight.  Luckily, they were pretty dry by the time we made it to chilly Houston!

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